Years 5 and 6: Multiplication and Division
This list consists of activities, games and videos designed to support the new curriculum programme of study in Years 5 and 6. Containing tips on using the resources and suggestions for further use it covers:
Year 5: identifying factors and multiples, prime numbers and composite numbers, use formal methods for multiplication and division of up to 4 digits by 1 or 2 digit numbers, recognise and use square and cube numbers and solving problems involving one or more of the four operations.
Year 6: formal written method of long multiplication/long division for numbers up to 4 digits by 2 digits, mental calculations, identify common factors, multiples and prime numbers, solving problems and estimating to check answers to calculations.
Visit the primary mathematics webpage to access all lists:.
NRICH: Factors and Multiples Game
This game could be used to practise knowledge of factors and multiples. Children choose a number and then challenge a partner to find a factor or multiple of the number from their grid. Play it on sheets or interactively in pairs at the end of a lesson.
Multiplication and Division
Interactive activities which show different methods of multiplication and division. Multiplication and division using partitioning allows teachers to demonstrate these methods to children on the interactive whiteboard.
Go Further with Games
40 games sheets related to many mathematical areas. Laminate and keep in a box for when they are needed.Sheet 2 looks at division with remainders.
The Multiplication card games help children consolidate multiplication facts.
Multiple games using simple apparatus provides practice on specific multiples.
Factor games encourages students to think which numbers are factors of grid column and row headings.
Multiplication dice games practice mental single digit multiplication and keeping a running total.
Primary Progression in Multiplication Videos
This series of short video clips look at elements of progression in multiplication across the primary school. Starting with various concrete representations using physical apparatus, children are guided into transferring to the calculations they represent. Children in years 5 and 6 may be at different stages in their mathematical learning, so may need to approach multiplication in a different way. The NCETM provides similar videos which show progression in other calculation strategies.
Models and images materials
This set of images and models, from the national strategies, give examples of key pictorial representations and abstracts which can enhance the teaching of mental calculation strategies through years one to three. In addition, the materials offer a list of potential difficulties and examples to illustrate progression through to years four, five and six.
Multiplication Makes Sense
15 activities focusing on multiplication
Page 24 is a children's worksheet which asks children to explain why the grid method of multiplication works for multiplying two 2-digit numbers. The grid method will have been used by most children at upper Key stage Two and for some it will be an efficient and understandable method. It also is a step along the way to developing a more formal written method, including long multiplication. See the models and images resource which shows example representations of multiplication and progression of learning.
Page 26 shows how long multiplication may be carried out using Gelosia, providing questions to calculate. The NRICH website contains an investigation which challenges children to use this method.