Design and build a wind turbine, discover which appliances use the least electricity and link ideas about electricity to design and engineering. This list contains ideas for engineering activities using the context of energy and sustainability.
EON Energy and Environment Resources
Debate on where and if a wind farm should be built whilst developing speaking and listening skills. Look at different designs for wind turbines and make a wind turbine. This Key Stage Two resource includes a poster electrical safety and different renewable power sources.
Wind power STEM challenge
Watch a short clip on energy created by wind turbines then challenge groups to build a wind turbine able to lift a cup off the floor. Though suggested as a Key Stage Three resource this could be used to challenge able children in groups. It contains work on forces, investigative work and also links to D&T. This could be used in preparation for or after visiting the Wind power turbine challenge.
Energy and Appliances
An activity where groups or pairs of children sort cards of electrical appliances in order of energy consumption. This activity stimulates thinking skills and could be used in either science or geography to stimulate further discussion on green of issues such as:
• energy generation and consumption
• renewable energy
• carbon dioxide
• emissions
• global warming
The data supplied could be represented in a bar chart when presenting data.
Renewable Energy Posters
Posters of renewable energy sources around the world. These are: hydroelectric, solar, wind and biogas. These could be used to stimulate discussion about alternative energy and green issues and also about life in different countries.
Saving Energy in School
This video shows how a school saves energy in many different ways. Great to show when talking about green issues or energy.
Exploring Energy
Ten activities investigating environmental issues including: the greenhouse effect, recycling, sustainable energy sources and thermal insulation. The activities promote investigative work and communication skills and include: carrying out an energy audit, recreating the greenhouse effect, making recycled paper, investigating insulating materials and carrying out a traffic survey.
Sparks Will Fly
Three primary science resources linked to electricity, design and technology in which children learn about motors and how many objects use electricity to improve their usefulness. They also look at how we use technology to communicate with each other.