Mendelian inheritance
A collection of Catalyst articles about mendelian inheritance.
Explaining Inheritance
A Catalyst article about the hunt for an explanation of inheritance. The role of chromosomes was announced in 1903 and the structure of DNA was revealed in 1953, both of which were major scientific breakthroughs in this field of research. This article examines the history of inheritance.
This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1.
Inherited Diseases
A Catalyst article investigating chromosomes. In particular, the article looks at genes and explains how the chromosomes and genes a human inherits from their parents can cause problems such as sickle-cell anaemia, cystic fibrosis and Huntington’s disease.
This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2004, Volume 15, Issue 2.
Drosophila melanogaster
Catalyst article about the fruit fly which has played a succession of key roles in developments in biological science over the last 100 years as a laboratory subject in genetics.
This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2006, Volume 17, Issue 2.
Flies, Weeds, Atom Bombs and Computers
This Catalyst article explores 'Biomodels', biological species which are increasingly well-understood and which have been chosen because they can help us to test new biological theories, particularly in the field of genetics.
This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2.
The Peacock’s Tale: How Sexual Selection Works
This Catalyst article looks at sexual selection, a form of natural selection, and the role it plays in the evolution of many organisms.
The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 24, Issue 4.
Anything but Junk
This article discovers how geneticists are beginning to discover the significance of junk DNA.
The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2015, Volume 25, Issue 4.
Fruit Flies and Alzheimer's Disease
A Catalyst article about the use of fruit flies in research about genetic diseases and in particular the study of DNA and how genes can cause disease.
This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2006, Volume 17, Issue 2.
A Catalyst article about hair, how it grows, how it can be sculpted into the latest fashionable shapes and can hold fast to all the colours of the rainbow.
This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2005, Volume 15, Issue 3.
Ten Years On: the Human Genome Project Today
This Catalyst article looks at how our knowledge of the human genome has increased greatly during the last 10 years, and genome sequencing techniques have become much faster.
This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2010, Volume 21, Issue 2.
The brain and crime
This Catalyst article looks at research suggesting that the social world influences the activity of human genes, in turn affecting brain function. Neuroscientists are now beginning to explore how the brain might be linked to certain criminal behaviours.
This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2016, Volume 26, Issue 3.