Fossil Formation
Find out how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped in rock. Watch cips which show the process of fossilisation happening gradually. Carry out activities including observing fossils, comparing fossils to living plants and animals, making your own fossils and recreating how fossils are formed. This list also helps teachers refresh their subject knowledge and provides ideas for running inset activities to support colleagues to teach this area.
BBC Nature-Fossils
A link to videos which help show how fossils ressemble living animals, fossil finds around the world and how fossils form. 'Mud fossils' is a short clip which shows how the fossil of a fish is formed. This clip could be played before going on the simulate the process of fossil foemation in class. It also helps children see that a fossil was once a living thing. It could also be used as a starter when comparing fossils that have been found to living creatures.
How do fossils form?
A short animation which shows how a fossil forms. The clip may hep to show children that it is a process which takes place over a very long period of time and under specific conditions. An written explanation of the process is also included.
The Variety of Life Teachers’ Guide (Ages 7-12)
Providing activity ideas,background knowledge for teachers and misconceptions about fossils. Activities which ask children to bring in the oldest thing they have will help children understand that things may be older than them and that fossils are much older. Observing and handling different fossils will help children see that it is not just dirty objects which are old.
Thinking about past life forms will help children learn about extinct and endangered species and how this is different to an animal that has died.
Looking at 'Living fossils' such as the tuatara, the coelacanth and the monkey puzzle tree and comparing them with fossils that have been found will help children see that fossils were once a living plant or animal.
Developing timelines will help children start to deveop an understanding of the timescale of fossil formation.
Ideas for activities may be found on pages 77-95 of the pdf.
Life from the Past - Introducing Fossils
Making your own fossil is a way to help children can see how fossils are formed. This will help them when looking at posiible fossils in deciding wether it is an imprint or the real thing. Page 6 on the pdf explains how to make a DIY fossil and show how an imprint of a creature may be left rather than a fossilised creature. Children can label the fossil mould and the cast and compare this to actual fossils and their imprints.