Science and Engineering Week: Primary School Assembly
List created by Tom Lyons - ESERO UK Teacher Fellow
Rocket Images and Video
Questions for the students: What does this clip have to do with science and engineering? What kind of people are involved with building something like this? How does sending satellites into space help us in our lives?
GOES Weather Satellite
The rocket was launching a weather satellite. Pick an image from the GOES website to show the students. Questions: How do satellites help us predict weather? What other types of satellites do we have in space? Are there people living in space?
Onboard the International Space Station
Play the first 1 min 20 s of this clip which shows that a huge project like the International Space Station requires cooperation between nations. The rest of the clip could be used in lessons. Question: Why is it important that we work together?
International Space Station (ISS) Education Kit - Primary
Open up Chapter 1, page 7. How many countries on the map can the students name? This kit can be used later in lessons.