Fractions Decimal Percentages (Years 7-9)
Below is a collection of possible resources which can be used across 8 lessons (approx). It includes resources which can be used in any order, depending entirely on the class in question. Resources can be altered and used to build a strong knowledge base, extend pupils further and assess learning. By David Main
Fractions of a Whole
A useful starting point for a discussion about fractions, or an interesting challenge for pupils.
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
A lesson from
Chosen because it shows visually why/how the rules regarding multiplying or dividing are the way they are, and how questions can be attempted. Two slides then feature questions that the class may attempt.
Fraction Activities for Students Aged 11-13
A collection of resources/activities/games to challenge pupils and develop knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages. Activities can easily be adapted into team games for group work, or be used individually.
Fraction Games for Students Aged 11-13
A collection of Fraction Games that are useful for engaging pupils. Also includes a Decimal game. Games can be adapted for single, pair or group work.
Fractions Problem
A problem from Starter of the Day which could be used to extend learning. There are multiple ways of attemting the problem. Answers included, as well as comments from other teachers as to how to use the resource.
Sharing Chocolate
This activity from Nrich could easily be played out in class, and would encourage pupils to think carefully about the nature of fractions and actually use their knowledge. Playing the game, then discussing the results, then playing again may show progress and development in knowledge/understanding.
Interactive Notebooks
An interactive version of the Standards Unit resource that may prove helpful in illustrating points to do with Fractions and Decimals.
Ordering Decimals
Before attempting to order FDP, it would be good to go over ordering decimals. This mymaths resource provides 5 different ways of learning how they are ordered as well as considering the relevance of ordering decimals.
Ordering Fractions and Decimals
A resource from Starter of the Day that could be used in various ways; from assessing knowledge of ordering fractions or decimals and converting between the two, to providing a starting point to the lesson, or even to exten some classes who have mastered ordering just fractions or just decimals.
Ordering FDP
A resource from Starter of the Day that could be used in various ways; from assessing knowledge of ordering fractions, decimals or percentages and converting between the three, to providing a starting point to the lesson, or even to extend some classes who have mastered ordering just fractions, decimals or percentages.
Teaching Mental Mathematics From Level Five: Number
Pages 20-22 examine the connection between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. Althought there is not a great many useable resources there are ideas of how to approach lessons and develop the connection between FDP.
Arithmetic: Decimals, Fractions and Percentages
Notes; See 'Review' for full description of this resource.
Egyptian Fractions
A brilliant way of extending understanding of number and fractions provided by Nrich. Teacher notes, solutions and hints included.