Mathematics fractions
This list contains a selection of resources predominantly in two categories:
- interactive (for use when there student have computers to use)
- text book (to provide other consolidation practice)
The resources are intended to use teaching fractions to KS3, starting with the concept of fractions at Level 3 and stretching up to Level 7.
Skills covered are:
- concept of a fraction
- fractions of shapes
- simplifying fractions
- converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions
- comparing and ordering fractions
- 4 rules and fractions (same denominator; different denominators; mixed numbers)
- fractions of amounts and of quantities
Worksheets - Number
The file you want is fraction pies.
The students have to shade fractions of a circle.
It starts with fractions in words, then in digits, then to mixed numbers.
BGFL - online fractions L1 to L5
Online games using pizzas and number lines.
Includes support materials
Ordering on a number line
Fractions of shapes
Level 1 to Level 5
Interactive web site with a very wide range of resources right across the number topic fractions
Simple fractions
Compare fractions
Playing games
Simplifying fractions
Mixed fractions
Equivalent fractions
4 rules and fractions
Fractions of quantities
Convert fractions to decimals and percentages
Counton fractions games
Interactive games
Level 3 upwards
Fractions of numbers
Adding fractions (different denominators and mixed numbers)
Equivalent fractions
The racing bikes game is probably one to miss out.
Maths games
A portal with links to a broad collection of fraction games.
Dolphin racing (easy/hard) - comparing sets of fractions
Fraction flags - designing flags with a fraction of each colour
Fraction lesson - a series of interactive lessons
BBC skillswise game - ordering sets of fractions
Fraction monkeys (easy/hard) ordering fractgions; finding lowest common denominator
Melvin's make a match - finding equivalent fractions
Fractotron - comparing fractions with one half
Fraction maths splat - add and subtract fractions
Visualising fractions - fractions of shapes
Equivalent fractions - demonstrations
Fresh baked fractions - (easy, medium, hard)
Name the fraction - fractions of shapes
Fraction of a number -
Fraction of a quantity -
Fraction test -
eChalk - estimating fractions
Interactive game - converting fractions (proper and improper) to decimals
We loved this game and would have played it for hours. Put the sound on!
Top Marks fraction games
Interactive games on the number topic fractions.
Level 4 upwards (you can choose simpler or harder fractions)
Build a fraction wall
Simplify fractions
Equivalent fractions
Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers
Convert between fractions and decimals
Arithmetic: Fractions
From the Centre for Improvement in Mathematics Teaching.
The resource includes starters, lesson plans, activities and worksheets.
Topics covered are:
- visualising fractions
- ordering fractions
- equivalent fractions
- fractions of quantities
- improper fractions
Also has revision and recap sections
Fractions and Percentages
Lessons 1 to 4 of this pack cover equivalent fractions; fractions of quantity; operations with fractions; fraction and decimal equivalents.
Includes teaching notes, lesson plans, mental tests, activities and challenging questions.
Arithmetic: Fractions
This pack cover multiplication and division of fractions; addition and subtraction of fractions; fractions in context; revision and recap.
Includes teaching notes, lesson plans, mental tests, activities and challenging questions.
Arithmetic: Fractions and Percentages
This pack covers addition and subtraction of fractions; multipying fractions; dividing fractions; fractions in context; fraction percentage equivalents; revision and recap.
Lessons 1 to 6 only; the rest are about percentages
Includes teaching notes, lesson plans, mental tests, activities and challenging questions.
Fraction Activities for Students Aged 11-13
Some of the resources here are relevant:
Fraction squares
Dividing squares
Fractions of shapes
What's the pattern
Fraction Games for Students Aged 11-13
More than half