Coaching Other Teachers

This collection of resources provides material to support the development of behaviour for learning strategies.



Showing 38 result(s)

50 SEAL Outcomes

In order to systematically plan to promote social and emotional skills it helps to categorise them and this National Strategies resource does this within five aspects of learning, based upon Daniel Goleman’s classification (Goleman, 1996). Each aspect is subdivided into skills and then still further into a series...

Inventory of SEAL Skills

A quick audit for teachers to use to consider their own social and emotional skills.

Promoting SEAL Through the Curriculum

This resource considers how different subject areas can explicitly promote the learning of social and emotional skills. It provides an outline of how social and emotional skills are linked to subjects both in general terms and more specifically within each of the 2008 National Curriculum programmes of study. The...

Strengthening Teaching and Learning in Science through Using Different Pedagogies: Unit 3 - Improving the Learning Climate

This study unit offers practical suggestions for use in the classroom when considering the climate for learning in the laboratory. All the strategies suggested have been tried and tested by teachers in their classrooms.

Contents include:

*Improving the physical environment in the laboratory
