PhET Interactive Simulations

To help students engage in science and mathematics through inquiry, PhET simulations were developed to allow students to investigate cause-and-effect relationships and answer scientific questions through exploration of the simulation.

Several tools in the simulations provide an interactive experience:

*Click and drag to interact with simulation features

*Use sliders to increase and decrease parameters

*Choose between options with radio buttons

*Make measurements in your experiments with various instruments – rulers, stop-watches, voltmeters, and thermometers.



Showing 31 result(s)

Masses and Springs

In this simulation students can hang masses from springs, adjust the spring stiffness and damping, and even slow time. The lab can be transported to different planets and there is a chart which shows the kinetic, potential, and thermal energy for each spring.

[b]Sample Learning Objectives[/b]


Photoelectric Effect

In this simulation students can see how light knocks electrons off a metal target, and recreate the experiment that spawned the field of quantum mechanics.

[b]Sample Learning Objectives include:[/b]

*Visualize and describe the photoelectric effect experiment.

*Predict the results of experiments...

Charges and fields

This simulation allows students to arrange positive and negative charges in space and view the resulting electric field and electrostatic potential. They can plot equipotential lines, discover their relationship to the electric field and create models of dipoles, capacitors, and more!

Sample Learning...
