IET Education Resources

The IET Education programme has been developed by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Europe’s largest professional organisation in the field. The aim is to introduce a new generation to the sheer excitement of science, technology and engineering.

These resources include cross-curricular classroom activities with accompanying film clips and downloadable supporting files such as presentations and handouts which can be tailored to students' needs.

The IET materials give a real insight into what it is like to be a scientist, technologist or engineer working at the cutting edge of technology. They investigate the problems that engineers face and the technologies behind their solutions and cover a variety of exciting areas.



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From founding communications, such as the fire beacon, to being able to communicate with space, there is no denying that developments in communication have advanced at a rapid speed. This topic, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), presents students with communications of the past, present and...

Green School

This collection of resources from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) uses the example of Howe Dell Primary School, which was designed with the principle of being a sustainable school, as a context for exploring a school's carbon footprint and the use of technology to reduce energy usage.


Living in a highly technological world, where access to information and entertainment is at our fingertips, the Inform and Entertain Me topic, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), is a gateway to engage and introduce students to the principles and technology that form the basis for...

The development of new materials with incredible properties is changing the way we live. From LCD TVs to super light airliners, these materials have quickly found their way into the modern technology around us. One area where modern materials have made a huge impact is in the development of prosthetic devices....


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