Practical Action: primary resources

Practical Action's series of resources for primary teaching.



Showing 18 result(s)

Recycling - concept cartoon

This cartoon help pupils explore issues around how recycling and reusing products can benefit the environment.

Concept Cartoons are quick, simple and effective. They are designed to intrigue, provoke discussion and stimulate thinking. Concept Cartoons make concepts problematic and provide an engaging...

Yummy yoghurt makers - CREST

A CREST investigation produced by Practical Action, in collaboration with the British Science Association, for primary pupils. 

Students find out  how farmers in Bangladesh can earn more money for their family by turning milk into yoghurt.  They go on to make a range of different flavoured yoghurts...

Monsoon Proof Roof

This resource provides a practical context to explore the uses of everyday materials, based on their properties. Children are introduced to a problem of building a flood- proof home, which is faced by families in local communities in Bangladesh, looking at solutions that have been developed to solve this problem....

Cool Pots - Primary Global upd8

This activity provides a practical context to explore thermal insulation and changes of state at primary level. Families living in Sudan find that due to the warmer climate fruit and vegetables tend to not stay fresh for long. In order to solve this problem they use a clay pot (zeer pot) refrigerator to help...


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