Teacher Case Studies

These resources describe case studies looking at how teachers and schools across the country have benefitted from enhancement and enrichment programmes like STEM Ambassadors and STEM Clubs. STEM Ambassadors are volunteers of all ages and from all backgrounds working in STEM related roles from apprentices to geologists and nuclear physicists to zoologists. They provide a wide variety of services such as careers talks, mentoring, helping with school events or clubs and facilitating workplace visits. STEM Clubs allow children to explore, investigate and discover STEM subjects in a stimulating learning environment, away from the constraints of the school timetable or a prescribed curriculum. They allow pupils and their club leaders to work together and explore many different ideas and activities.



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Matthew Evans

In this STEMNET resource, Assistant Head Teacher Matthew Evans describes activities undertaken in his specialist Technology College to support STEM subject teaching. The school runs many STEM Clubs and has worked with STEM Ambassadors for nearly 15 years.

Matthew works closely with the STEM Ambassadors and...
