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Design Hexagon Resources
The Nuffield Design Hexagon for Key Stage Four covers the design strategies that students need to consider be successful at designing products that meet the needs and wants of people in real life situations. Design Hexagons have been developed for each focus area: electronic products, food technology, graphic products, product design (resistant materials) and textiles. The Design Hexagon covers: 1. Understanding the user Understanding the user provides the basis to justify many of the design decisions needed to develop a product that people need and want 2. Design briefs and specifications Design briefs and specifications provide points of reference against which to check progress. 3. Generating design ideas Generating design ideas provides strategies to be more creative. 4. Developing design ideas Developing design ideas provides a range of modelling techniques to clarify and detail design proposals. 5. Communicating design ideas Communicating design ideas provides the means to tell different stakeholders about design proposals. 6. Evaluating design ideas Evaluating design ideas provides techniques to evaluate products from different perspectives.
Product Design (Resistant Materials)
A Nuffield design hexagon task focusing on product design (using resistant materials). Aiming to extend understanding of how to evaluate a design by thinking how it affects people and whether it performs as expected.
Electronic Products
A Nuffield Design Hexagon task focusing on a range of electronic products. The resource aims to extend understanding of how to evaluate a design by thinking how it affects people and whether it performs as expected.
This resource contains a number of activities for each side of the design hexagon (student...
Food Technology
A Nuffield design hexagon task focusing on food technology. The resource aims to extend understanding of how to evaluate a design by thinking how it affects people and whether it performs as expected.
This resource...
Graphics Products
A Nuffield design hexagon task focusing on a range of graphics products. The resource aims to extend understanding of how to evaluate a design by thinking how it affects people and whether it performs as expected. This resource contains a number of activities for each side of the design hexagon (student pages and...