Working with Textiles and Food at Key Stages One and Two

This collection includes seven trial units of work developed by the Nuffield Foundation to support their Primary Solutions resource.

Each unit within this collection includes lesson by lesson teaching guidance, a listing of new vocabulary, a description of links to other subjects and full details of resource requirements.



Showing 7 result(s)

Designing and Making with Textiles at Lower Key Stage Two: Designing a Simple Sampler

One of the trial units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. In this unit, children design and make a 'simpler sampler' using fabric crayons and patterns derived from handwriting patterns.

The purpose of the activity is to create modern samplers to display handwriting patterns. This...

Designing and Making with Textiles at Key Stage One (Year One): the Loomfish

One of the trial units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. In this unit, children learn about woven fabrics, and to design and make a fish like construction using a primitive loom.

The finished loomfish can be displayed in the classroom, so that the different designs can be...

Designing and Making with Textiles at Upper Key Stage Two: Design and Make a FabFix Repair Kit

One of the trial units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. In this unit, children design and make a useful resource for a home that meets all the family’s identified textile repair needs.

The purpose of the task is to show the need to repair textiles when they become worn or damaged...

Designing and Making with Food at Key Stage Two: Baking Bread

One of the trial units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. In this unit, children are tasked to make bread rolls.

It is necessary to set the context for the activity. This may be to agree a theme as a class or group, such as 'to make bread rolls for a children's party' or to base...
