Complex Numbers 2: The Argand Diagram

MEI Online resources for FP1 provide a selection of materials for the modulus-argument form of complex numbers. These include thorough notes, a study plan, additional exercises, a multiple choice test and an extension piece of work.



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Complex Numbers 2: The Argand Diagram - Study Plan and Notes

MEI Online Resources for MEI FP1 provide a selection of material for the modulus-argument form of Complex Numbers.

Detailed notes explain The modulus argument form of complex numbers and its application to sets of...

Loci in the Argand Diagram

This MEI resource for complex numbers demonstrates loci in the Argand diagram. In the complex plane the horizontal axis are real numbers and on the vertical axis are imaginary numbers.

The excel file uses sliders to alter the position of the point on the plane. The point can be picked up and moved into all...

Complex Numbers 2: Hints and Solutions

This collection of resources from MEI provides a series of hints, which are levelled, to prompt students through the questions in two exercises on using the Argand diagram for complex numbers. Worked solutions for each question are also available.