Mastering mathematics

This series provide structured support and extra practice with differentiated questions that focus on reasoning and problem-solving, building the exam skills needed to succeed in the new GCSE specifications; developed by a team of expert authors with examining experience.

  • Develops confidence and supports independent learning with graduated exercises for each unit.
  • Builds fluency, problem-solving and reasoning skills with exam-style questions that build on previous learning.
  • Provides full coverage of the GCSE grade range with three books - matching the student books - meaning that content is focused at the right level for each student.



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Build your students' knowledge and understanding so that they can confidently reason, interpret, communicate mathematically and apply their mathematical skills to solve problems within mathematics and wider contexts; with resources developed specifically for the OCR GCSE 2015 specification.

Build your students' knowledge and understanding so that they can confidently reason, interpret, communicate mathematically and apply their mathematical skills to solve problems within mathematics and wider contexts; with resources developed specifically for the OCR GCSE 2015 specification.

Help students to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can reason mathematically, communicate mathematical information and apply mathematical techniques in solving problems; with resources developed specifically for the Edexcel GCSE 2015 specification.

Help students to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can reason mathematically, communicate mathematical information and apply mathematical techniques in solving problems; with resources developed specifically for the Edexcel GCSE 2015 specification.
