Electricity on the move

This series is published in two formats, providing flexibility and choice to suit the teacher's needs. There are six modules per year or separate year-based textbooks containing the six units. Each year's work is also supported by a set of copymasters and a teacher's guide.

Each topic in the modules is dealt with in an easy-to-follow, concise manner, making it ideal for all students whatever their reading age. Presentation is based around a theme, with simple text and illustrated step-by-step guides to experiments.

Trials have shown how effective this style of presentation is with students of all abilities. Difficult science is made accessible to less academic students. Extension sheets are also available for all members of the class. The modules cover levels 2 to 6 of the National Curriculum.

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Author(s)Gabrielle McSharry, Elizabeth Smith
Published by
Shelf referenceA 500 SCI
Direct URLhttps://www.stem.org.uk/x8azz

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