Primary points of departure

Teachers can introduce the starting points as they stand to individuals, pairs or small groups. However, this is not the main intention. Rather, the book should be seen as a resource of ideas that teachers will wish to adapt and to present in ways with which they, and their pupils, feel most comfortable. Some, for example, 24 ("Halving The Board"), 37 ("Round and Round") and 63 ("Equable Triangles"), could well be used for initiating a discussion which leads to the given diagrams being put on the black (or white) board. In this case the words given in the starting point can be adapted as an introduction to a class lesson.

Some of the starting points require equipment such as interlocking cubes, squared or dotty paper. Sometimes, especially with younger pupils, other pieces of apparatus will be found useful. However the points of departure are to be used, teachers are strongly advised to spend a few minutes exploring the ideas before using the points of departure with a class. Some of the starting points may only fill a short time while others could occupy pupils all week. As all classes differ it is not possible to indicate which of these is which?

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Author(s)Jenny Murray
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Shelf referenceA 372.7076 MUR
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