An introduction to teaching: a handbook for primary and secondary school teachers

The expectations of what it is to be a teacher are as high as ever. 'An introduction to teaching', which is the second edition of the well-established textbook 'Learning to teach', provides a fully up-to-date introduction to the process and practice of teaching, and the personal and professional skills that successful teaching requires.

This comprehensive update of the first edition is written in accordance with the Teacher Training Association and DfES guidelines, and provides in-depth coverage of all the modules included in the teacher training programme.

Taking into account recent developments in policy and practice, contributors have incorporated new material covering teaching and classroom management, new approaches to planning, targeting effective learning, introduction to professional requirements and continuing professional development.

The book also includes key chapters on the following: the National Curriculum children's learning the use of IT planning and preparation teaching and classroom management special educational needs working with parents.

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Subject(s)Cross curricular
Author(s)Gill Nicholls
Published by
Shelf referenceA 371.12 NIC
Direct URL

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