- View more resources from this publisherDavid Fulton Publishers
Every child matters: a new role for SENCOs
'Every child matters' is an essential and ground breaking resource for SENCos and senior managers which will enable them to meet the new and diverse roles emerging for them as schools develop. Based on the latest national legislation and developments in education, the book provides practical information and guidance in how to respond to the exciting challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
This book covers:
- Overview of 'Every child matters'
- The five year strategy and the ten year strategy and their impact on learning communities new roles and responsibilities for SENCos aligned with national legislation school improvement and the new relationship with schools in raising standards in SEN quality assurance
- School self-evaluation and monitoring of SEN aligned with new revised OFSTED inspection framework workforce remodelling to reduce bureaucracy in special educational needs.
'Every child matters' is accessible and user-friendly with an accompanying CD and photocopiable sheets to support busy practitioners in solution focussed whole-school decision-making. For all those involved in supporting schools in responding to new ways of working - advisers, inspectors, educational consultants, educational psychologists, health and social services professionals.
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