Early professional development for teachers

Early professional development has recently been recognized throughout the UK as a key area for improving the quality of teaching and learning in schools. All teachers need support to move from novice to expert.

Set out here is a range of articles to help them achieve that goal. Included are practical strategies for investigating classrooms, ideas about teaching and learning, and key debates concerning professional development, all selected with the aim of moving classroom practice forward.

This book offers teachers the opportunity to explore the latest debates on professional development as well as providing practical tips for use in the classroom, and is a rich resource for those teachers committed to developing their teaching for the benefit of their students.

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Subject(s)Cross curricular
Author(s)Frank Banks, Ann Shelton Mayes
Published by

Shelf referenceA 370.711 BAN
Direct URLhttps://www.stem.org.uk/x87uz

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