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Longman science for AQA: GCSE Science year 10 copymaster file
The Copymaster Files & CD-ROMs The Copymaster File provides all the worksheets and other materials intended to be photocopied for student use.
The following worksheets can be found in the Copymaster File:
Target sheets Each topic begins with a student target sheet.These provide students with a record of their own progress through the topic and help increase levels of confidence.
Practical sheets and classwork sheets Homework sheets for each topic at Foundation level and Higher level Practice exam-style tests
The CD-ROM that accompanies the Copymaster File includes six specimen multiple-choice tiered tests two each for biology, chemistry and physics. Sample Investigative Skills Assignments (ISAs) - six sample ISAs are provided on the CD-ROM two biology, two chemistry and two physics. The assessment activities assess the How Science Works criteria in context of the specification topics.
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