Teaching and using ICT in secondary schools

The coverage of this book will provide an ideal text for use during departmental meetings for all curriculum subjects where ICT is an issue. It can also be used as a reference text for school based mentors taking part in the teacher training process.

As well as discussing the effective teaching of ICT as a curriculum subject, the author uses sample case studies to illustrate the wider role at Key Stages 3 and 4, for GCSE and for post-16 in the form of VCE. He also advises on the teacher training process; the primary/secondary transfer; issues related to interface design; hardware and software provision; and the assessment, recording and reporting of ICT capability.

This book will appeal to a wide range of target readerships: trainees taking PGCE courses to become specialist ICT teachers as well as other PGCE trainees, as they all have to meet statutory ICT standards; practicing secondary teachers, whether specialists in ICT or other subjects, who need to use ICT in their teaching; and secondary mentors with ICT as a major part of their responsibility.

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Subject(s)Cross curricular
Author(s)Terry Russell
Published by

Shelf referenceA 373.2 RUS
Direct URLhttps://www.stem.org.uk/x85r7

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