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An out of this world astronomy club

Published: Jul 9, 2018 2 min read

STEM learning

Astronomy club

When I was growing up, I always had an interest in space. It started when my uncle showed me Saturn when I was about 7 and from then on I was hooked.

To cut a long story short, I craved to learn more about astronomy. As I moved through school, I was never encouraged to take a ‘different’ career path. I wasn’t a great academic so I slipped into what was easy and around my area.

Now an established business owner, I am able to take some time out to peruse what I loved. I completed various online courses and attended my local astronomy group. But this wasn’t enough.

I was told about the STEM Ambassadors programme through one of my friends at Roseland and decided to join. Through this, I really wanted to create an after-school astronomy club. So I did!

I set up the astronomy club at Lanivet Primary School, along with a fellow (recently joined) STEM Ambassador, Carol, and her friend Wendy.

The children love it, we show a short video, a ten-minute presentation then an experiment or creative time. We even have a waiting list. From this, we created Lanivet Amateur Astronomy group and have had very successful meets with 20 or so people attending.

The bottom line is that I wanted to give to these children what I feel I missed out on. I want to keep their imaginations full and to help young girls to know that if they really want something they can achieve it.

Bring space into your school or college

ESERO-UK provides free resources, CPD and support to enhance the teaching and learning of STEM subjects through the context of space.