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Big futures from little projects

Published: Oct 27, 2017 2 min read

Dave Gibbs

STEM Computing and Technology Specialist

National STEM Centre

Internet of Things

Question: What’s worth £8 trillion pounds a year*, brings all of STEM together and encourages entrepreneurship and creativity in the classroom?

Answer: the Internet of Things

The fourth industrial revolution is happening fast, fusing the digital and physical world. By connecting the unconnected, astounding new things are possible. Sensors in cycle helmets might tell ambulances about impacts; the ambulance might tell the hospital about blood group, heart rate and other vital statistics, and the hospital might inform relatives of the injured person’s whereabouts and visiting times. All without a phone call being made or a letter being written – data sent directly to mobile devices.

"While the Internet of Things is happening now, it will be huge when your students enter the workplace."

Firefighting is ripe for the Internet of Things innovation. Better information can save lives – helping emergency services identify incidents quicker, triggering the right response team and clearing traffic from their route. On the scene firefighters will know more about who is trapped, the fumes and other dangers that they face and the best rescue route to follow, minimising risk and maximising effectiveness.

While the Internet of Things is happening now, it will be huge when your students enter the workplace. Cisco Little Big Futures is a set of activities across all of the STEM subjects and STEM Clubs, challenging students to solve real problems and preparing them for the digitally-interwoven world.

From single lessons to more involved open-ended explorations, Little Big Futures is suitable for students aged 11-14. The resources are written by subject specialists in computing, design and technology, science and mathematics and are all tied to the curriculum. Taken further the projects can lead to CREST Awards, celebrated across the whole school community.

There’s nothing to fear – you already know about the components of the Internet of Things. It’s simply a matter of connecting the unconnected.

*Mckinsey estimates the IoT will generate up to $11 trillion of economic value by 2025.

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