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Schools around the country celebrate prestigious Science Mark award

Published: Oct 4, 2016 2 min read

STEM learning

Science departments from around the country have been celebrating after being awarded with a prestigious Science Mark award.

With three levels of award to choose from – Silver, Gold or Platinum – Science Mark aims to recognise and reward science departments that have been doing, and continue to do, amazing work for their school.

Two of the schools to win these awards, St Clements Danes and South Bromsgrove High School, are thrilled that they have been recognised for their outstanding science departments, and have been awarded a Platinum and Gold award respectively.  

Di Payne, Head of Science at South Bromsgrove High School, said:

“We are very pleased to have achieved the Science Mark Gold Award and I’m incredibility proud of the whole science team whose enthusiasm, commitment and continual hard work have made this possible.”

Science Mark is so much more than a recognition scheme, each school that takes part works with carefully selected assessors to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of the science department.

If you’re interested in seeing what Science Mark could offer you, registration for the next cohort is currently open.

Want to find out more?

The Autumn edition of our secondary STEM learning magazine features an article, written by Adam Little, which outlines the steps involved in Science Mark, all the way from the application process to receiving the certificate and trophy.