Teaching Advanced Physics: Mechanics

From the Institute of Physics, these resources are split into topics and each topic is subdivided into a number of learning episodes. Each learning episode represents a coherent section of teaching. Typically the activities include discussion, demonstrations, student investigations and calculations and can be completed in one or two lessons. The topics covered are: * Statics * Kinematics * Drag forces * Newton’s laws * Work, energy and power * Momentum * Circular motion * Materials



Showing 30 result(s)

Episode 228: The Young Modulus

Produced by the Institute of Physics, in this learning episode students measure the Young modulus. Through a range of discussions, questions and student investigations, activities look at: • defining the Young modulus • measuring the Young modulus of a material • measuring the stiffness of a material • stress-...

Episode 229: Stress-strain Graphs

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students use data and stress-strain graphs to gather information about the properties of materials.

Activities include:
* interpreting stress-strain graphs
* considering energy stored in a stretched material
* calculating stored...
