Teaching Advanced Physics: Mechanics

From the Institute of Physics, these resources are split into topics and each topic is subdivided into a number of learning episodes. Each learning episode represents a coherent section of teaching. Typically the activities include discussion, demonstrations, student investigations and calculations and can be completed in one or two lessons. The topics covered are: * Statics * Kinematics * Drag forces * Newton’s laws * Work, energy and power * Momentum * Circular motion * Materials



Showing 30 result(s)

Episode 216: Energy Changes

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, looks at kinetic energy, work and velocity in relation to the braking distance of a vehicle. Two experiments are included, both of which connect work done in braking to the initial kinetic energy of the decelerating vehicle. The activities include: • discussion...

Episode 217: Conservation of Energy

From the Institute of Physics, although concerned with conservation of mechanical energy, this episode extends the principle to its wider context in order to give the students a full appreciation of the overarching nature of the principle when they meet it in different situations. The activities include: •...

Episode 218: Mechanical Power

From the Institute of Physics, this resource is concerned with the conservation of mechanical energy and the principle in its wider context.

Students look at the meaning of power, undertake sample calculations and the measurement of human power.

Activities include:
• discussing the meaning of...

Episode 219: Preparation for Momentum Topic

In this learning episode from the Institute of Physics, students develop their understanding of momentum through practical investigations and mathematical analysis.

There are three episodes in this topic:

Episode 220:  Momentum and...
