This course, based on using the free programming website 'Rapid Router', teaches programming concepts from the basics using the Scratch-like 'Blockly' language. By programming a delivery van to follow simple routes, children learn about sequencing and basic algorithms. At the end of the Key Stage One course, children will create their own maps and environments for a friend, to program the van and deliver groceries.



Showing 10 result(s)

Session One: Unplugged Algorithms for Moving Along a Route

A basic lesson that introduces the idea of algorithms and simple sequences of commands. The online Rapid Router environment is introduced, after the children use some 'unplugged' activities to develop their thinking.

Session Two: Starting off On-Screen With the App

The second lesson in a series of 10 introduces children further to the online programming learning environment Rapid Router. Using the Scratch-like language 'Blockly' children build simple sequences of instructions and start to debug.

The resource includes worksheets, answers, assessment forms and wall...

Session Three: Creating Simple Algorithms to Reach a Single Destination

In the third lesson of the course, children use direct 'remote control' of the Rapid router van to gain experience before starting to program their own sequences of commands. They also start to debug simple sequences.

The resource contains assessment records, wall displays, and activity solutions.

Session Four: Creating Simple Algorithms to Reach a Single Destination Along the Shortest Route

In the 4th lesson of a series for lower primary school computing, children use the online Rapid Router environment to learn more about algorithms. They learn that there can be more than one algorithm to achieve the same outcome, and that these can be selected according to efficiency. They further debug sequences in...
