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We know students struggle to write longer answer questions in science. This ranges from an inability to start resulting in a blank page, through to writing everything they know about a topic and failing to refer back to the question.  This course explores a range of strategies to support students to answer 6 mark...
Duration1 Hour
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
The courses in this package will help you develop your skills, knowledge and understanding around different aspects of preparing students for GCSE science exams. You can take the three courses in this package in any order, and work at your own pace.You will receive access to all three courses for 12 months by booking...
Duration3 Hours
FeesFrom £60.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
