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Moving into curriculum leadership can feel like be a big step. Whether you are new to the role, or looking to progress in the future, this course will build confidence and clarity allowing you to succeed.Written by experienced department leaders, and based in the most recent evidence of 'what works', you'll come away...
Start date19 May 2025
LocationRemote delivered CPD
Duration2 Days
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Mathematics is firmly embedded at the core of computer science, from processing data using binary to the development of algorithms. The teaching of computing can be more effective when it builds on students’ existing mathematical knowledge and approaches. This provides a more joined-up learning journey.During...
Start date09 Jun 2025
LocationRemote delivered CPD
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £205.00
Effective teaching is underpinned by the accurate use of assessment, enabling teachers to check knowledge and understanding of children. The use of accurate assessment allows teaching to be adapted and personalised, improving the learning journey for students.This CPD aims to improve teachers’ knowledge of their...
Start date09 Jun 2025
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
