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Learn how data is represented through media; audio, visual and text. This online course explores how computers do interesting things with data. You’ll discover how to represent and manipulate text, images and sound and compression and other algorithms.Due to its section on the representation of images, this...
Duration8 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
What is learning? How does it work? On this online, self-paced course you try and answer these questions, exploring how you can use the science of learning to inform your teaching and support your students’ learning.Drawing upon educational neuroscience and psychology (and combating neuroscience myths), you will learn...
Duration12 Hours
FeesFrom £75.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
As a teacher who wants to promote the learning of your pupils, you'll want to make evidence-informed judgements and apply a range of approaches to respond and adapt teaching during and in between lessons.  Experts in assessment for learning, Emeritus Professor Dylan Wiliam, Dr Chris Harrison and Andrea Mapplebeck...
Duration12 Hours
FeesFrom £75.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details