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What is learning? How does it work? On this online, self-paced course you try and answer these questions, exploring how you can use the science of learning to inform your teaching and support your students’ learning.Drawing upon educational neuroscience and psychology (and combating neuroscience myths), you will learn...
Duration12 Hours
FeesFrom £75.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
Whether you are an aspiring science leader, new in the role, or wanting to reflect on your leadership practice, this course is designed to provide the strategies and techniques you will need to be successful. Mapped to the NPQLT framework, the course will provide a solid foundation for those wishing to continue their...
Start date19 Jun 2024
Duration5 Days
FeesFrom £1,340.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £610.00
A subsidy of £350 may be available when booking this course, please check availability to janslpadmin@ashtoncsc.comWhether you are an aspiring science leader, new in the role, or wanting to reflect on your leadership practice, this course is designed to provide the strategies and techniques you will need to be...
Start date25 Jun 2024
Duration23 Hours
FeesFrom £550.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details

ESERO bespoke CPDSY106

This ESERO-UK course will introduce teachers to ESERO-UK resources and how to use them

STEM Club bespoke CPDGX105

The workshop explores the key considerations of running a STEM club. It will focus on identifying the factors needed to support club progress and develop a club improvement plan that aids student learning, engages senior management, and provides a firm foundation to strengthen, advance and revitalise the aims of your...

Preparing to Teach Level 3 BTEC Applied ScienceRX030

This course will help you to prepare for teaching Level 3 BTEC Applied Science (NQF) and will focus on pedagogical methods, ideas and resources to teach the first three mandatory units (Unit 1 (Principles and Application of Science I), Unit 2 (Practical Scientific Techniques and Procedures) and Unit 3 (Science...

Teaching Health, Safety and Environmental Regulations for T Level ScienceRX057

Are you teaching T Level* Science? This course focuses on the health, safety and environmental regulations of the health and science sector and how they are applied to practices in the workplace. This is often a difficult area to teach effectively and so this course will explore creative methods for delivering the...

Effective delivery of blended practical workRX029

Delivery of practical science is likely to remain a challenge for a considerable time, given the current climate of uncertainty. It is therefore timely to look at strategies, techniques and resources that can support the delivery of practical science via blended delivery methods. The purpose of this course will be to...

Leading Remote CPD - a Professional Development Leader Programme courseFD010R

This course is for teachers and other educational consultants who are accredited with CPD Quality MarkThis course, which forms part of our bolt-on support for the Professional Development Leader Development Programme, is designed for Course Leaders of remote CPD for STEM Learning and the National Centre for Computing...

The science of learningNE709

What is learning? How does it work? On this online, self-paced course you try and answer these questions, exploring how you can use the science of learning to inform your teaching and support your students’ learning.Drawing upon educational neuroscience and psychology (and combating neuroscience myths), you will...

Developing effective leadership in secondary scienceRP365

Whether you are an aspiring science leader, new in the role, or wanting to reflect on your leadership practice, this course is designed to provide the strategies and techniques you will need to be successful. Mapped to the NPQLT framework, the course will provide a solid foundation for those wishing to continue their...

Post-16 bespoke supportRP598

We can support you in identifying the CPD support that you need, provide CPD activity directly from our programme of courses, or work with you to tailor the content to meet your requirements and delivered locally to you.

Developing effective leadership in secondary scienceNY329

Whether you are an aspiring science leader, new in the role, or wanting to reflect on your leadership practice, this course is designed to provide the strategies and techniques you will need to be successful. Mapped to the NPQLT framework, the course will provide a solid foundation for those wishing to continue their...