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As a teacher who wants to promote the learning of your pupils, you'll want to make evidence-informed judgements and apply a range of approaches to respond and adapt teaching during and in between lessons.  Experts in assessment for learning, Emeritus Professor Dylan Wiliam, Dr Chris Harrison and Andrea Mapplebeck...
Duration12 Hours
FeesFrom £75.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
“Learners do not always learn what we teach. That is why the most important assessment does not happen at the end of learning, it happens during the learning, when there is still time to do something with what you find out.” - Dylan WiliamThis self-paced online course will help you ask better questions and design...
Duration6 Hours
FeesFrom £30.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
This online course will help you to be proactive about encouraging good behaviour in your classroom and in responding calmly to poor behaviour. This is a practical course. We will not delve deeply into theory of behaviour, but will focus on what you need to know to manage and improve the behaviour of your...
Duration15 Hours
FeesFrom £60.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
This course includes a practical element involving mini experiments.Covering:- KS3 National Curriculum- Microscopes- Solids, Liquids and Gases- The Periodic Table- Energy- Photosynthesis
Start date25 Jun 2024
Duration90 Minutes
We know there's a significant overlap between science and mathematics curricular at key stages 3, 4 and 5 - but how do you pull the two curricular so they work for each other?This course is perfect for maths and science teachers from the same school to join together. You'll identify common content and discover how the...
Start date07 Oct 2024
Duration3 Days
FeesFrom £1,000.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00
We know there's a significant overlap between science and mathematics curricular at key stages 3, 4 and 5 - but how do you pull the two curricular so they work for each other?This course is perfect for maths and science teachers from the same school to join together. You'll identify common content and discover how the...
Start date09 Dec 2024
Duration3 Days
FeesFrom £1,000.00 + VAT. Fees can vary, see page for more details
SubsidyFrom - £0.00