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ESERO bespoke CPDSY106

This ESERO-UK course will introduce teachers to ESERO-UK resources and how to use them

How to Start an Eco STEM ClubGX005

This workshop will assist both new and inexperienced club leaders to start and sustain an Eco STEM club by providing valuable information and best practice hints and tips. During the workshop participants will learn how to identify club objectives, engage senior leadership plan activities, and recruit club members. By...

Revitalise your Eco STEM ClubGX006

This workshop will demonstrate how a club leader can revitalise and maintain interest in an existing STEM Club. It will look at identifying how to bring added benefit to your club that supports the needs of the students, the school and you the club leader. The workshop will explore diversity and inclusivity, gaining...

Stem challenges for first and second levelNS015

This course covers a progression of STEM Challenges, suitable for Primary and ASN staff working with learners at First and Second Level.  Through experiential learning, staff will consider how to integrate STEM Challenges across the curriculum in their own settings and provide support for colleagues.The course...