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This course provides a comprehensive look at how to teach computing in Year 4 using the Teach Computing Curriculum. You will be guided through the topics and skills taught at Year 4 and understand how they fit into the wider Teach...
Start date13 Dec 2024
Duration3 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
This evidence-based CPD aims to raise knowledge amongst teachers of how to achieve the most out of your students, working towards grades 1 – 3 in GCSE computer science. Whether you’re already teaching computer science or completely new to the subject, this course is designed to support your understanding...
Start date03 Jan 2025
Duration6 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
A high-quality computer science education equips students to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computer science forms the core of the computing national curriculum, a foundation subject and a vital aspect of a broad and balanced curriculum for all learners. If you’re...
Start date07 Jan 2025
Duration6 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £205.00
This evidence-based CPD aims to raise knowledge amongst teachers of how to achieve the most out of your students, whilst preparing for their GCSE exams in computer science. Whether you’re already teaching computer science or completely new to the subject, this course is designed to support your understanding of...
Start date14 Jan 2025
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
This course provides a comprehensive look at how to teach computing in Year 4 using the Teach Computing Curriculum. You will be guided through the topics and skills taught at Year 4 and understand how they fit into the wider Teach...
Start date16 Jan 2025
Duration3 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Some children seem to naturally flourish in computing, while others need more support to reach their potential. This CPD aims to give every child an excellent computing education in primary school, opening up future study and employment routes and closing attainment gaps. You will consider how culture, gender,...
Start date21 Jan 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
We can support you in enhancing the computing curriculum within schools
Start date23 Jan 2025
Duration2 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
This course will help new primary computing leaders to clarify their role and develop and implement a broad and balanced curriculum. You will learn how best to lead the improvement of computing teaching and learning, and to ensure assessment and monitoring is consistent across your school. Identifying where your...
Start date31 Jan 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Programming is large part of the computing curriculum and one which is taught in each year group at primary school. This course will ensure subject leaders are confident in supporting colleagues to understand what primary programming entails; from developing simple algorithms to designing programs to meet specific...
Start date03 Feb 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Take your first steps towards teaching GCSE computer science and establish a foundational knowledge base of concepts, terminology and classroom practice. Find out how algorithms are designed and how programs are written to provide clear instructions to machines. Learn about the binary system and how it's used by...
Start date04 Feb 2025
Duration6 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £205.00
This short course will support the needs of schools in ensuring that they keep children safe whilst teaching computing and using technology to access the full primary curriculum.Online safety is a whole-school priority, and can be supported effectively through a high-quality computing curriculum. Using high-quality,...
Start date04 Feb 2025
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Take your first steps towards teaching GCSE computer science and establish a foundational knowledge base of concepts, terminology and classroom practice. Find out how the components of computer systems interlink and how these can then be connected together to form a network.Learn about the different components of...
Start date10 Feb 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £205.00
The National Curriculum in computing aims to enable learners to repeatedly analyse problems in computational terms, and to write programs that solve such problems. This is central to the development of computational thinking. Through the application of rich subject knowledge, including algorithm and program...
Start date19 Feb 2025
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
GCSE Computer Science comprises a rich, knowledge-based curriculum. This CPD equips participants with effective teaching strategies to build student knowledge for long-term recall, leading to confidence in assessments.During the course you will explore those pedagogy approaches which are proven to be the most...
Start date21 Feb 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
We can support you in enhancing the computing curriculum within schools
Start date27 Feb 2025
Duration2 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
