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Data-rich projects using spreadsheets and database are an integral part of KS3 computing, and technical qualifications at 14+. Developing the skills for student success, over the whole secondary age range, is the focus for this CPD....
Start date24 Oct 2024
Duration6 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
**2 part course** Mathematics is firmly embedded at the core of computer science, from processing data using binary to the development of algorithms. The teaching of computing can be more effective when it builds on students’ existing mathematical knowledge and approaches. This provides a more joined-up...
Start date12 Nov 2024
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Mathematics is firmly embedded at the core of computer science, from processing data using binary to the development of algorithms. The teaching of computing can be more effective when it builds on students’ existing mathematical knowledge and approaches. This provides a more joined-up learning journey.During...
Start date20 Nov 2024
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Mathematics is firmly embedded at the core of computer science, from processing data using binary to the development of algorithms. The teaching of computing can be more effective when it builds on students’ existing mathematical knowledge and approaches. This provides a more joined-up learning journey.During...
Start date09 Jun 2025
LocationRemote delivered CPD
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £205.00
Mathematics is firmly embedded at the core of computer science, from processing data using binary to the development of algorithms. The teaching of computing can be more effective when it builds on students’ existing mathematical knowledge and approaches. This provides a more joined-up learning journey.During...
Start date01 Jul 2025
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
