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Programming is large part of the computing curriculum and one which is taught in each year group at primary school. This course will ensure subject leaders are confident in supporting colleagues to understand what primary programming entails; from developing simple algorithms to designing programs to meet specific...
Start date03 Feb 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Computing offers great opportunities to autistic young people, but effective teaching and curriculum planning can be challenging. This CPD, developed for teachers in special schools and autism units, uses evidence-based approaches and draws on the experience and knowledge of successful teachers. You’ll consider...
Start date17 Mar 2025
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
This course is aimed at secondary computing teachers who are looking to ensure the behaviour management and learning atmosphere in a computing environment enables progress. Participants will get the opportunity to look at the adolescent brain development, assess their own behaviours and look at computing related...
Start date24 Apr 2025
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Some children seem to naturally flourish in computing, while others need more support to reach their potential. This CPD aims to give every child an excellent computing education in primary school, opening up future study and employment routes and closing attainment gaps. You will consider how culture, gender,...
Start date25 Apr 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Effective teaching includes the skilful use of assessment, to monitor children’s knowledge and understanding, and to overcome misconceptions. Accurate assessment informs adapted teaching, allowing teachers to build upon previous learning and supporting development of ideas and skills through the whole computing...
Start date19 May 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
This course is aimed at secondary computing teachers who are looking to ensure the behaviour management and learning atmosphere in a computing environment enables progress. Participants will get the opportunity to look at the adolescent brain development, assess their own behaviours and look at computing related...
Start date28 May 2025
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Mathematics is firmly embedded at the core of computer science, from processing data using binary to the development of algorithms. The teaching of computing can be more effective when it builds on students’ existing mathematical knowledge and approaches. This provides a more joined-up learning journey.During...
Start date01 Jul 2025
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
