Summer School for ECTs teaching A level: chemistry NY334

Summer school introduction to A level chemistry


Starting out to teach A level for the first time can be daunting. This course will support you with developing your own understanding of key parts of the A level curriculum as well as how to support students in practical work.  You will benefit from both highly experienced A level teachers and ongoing support after the course, as well as chance to build a network of other teachers in the same position.

This course is complimented by NY255 Summer school for ECTs teaching 11-16 science which takes place in the same week and also has a separate subsidy attached. Free accommodation is available for the day in between these two courses if required.

You may be interested in: NY251 New to teaching A level chemistry

Not quite what you are looking for? Try: NY255 Summer school for ECTs teaching 11-16 science


Who is it for?

ECTs, trainee teachers or experienced teachers who are starting to teach A level chemistry

What topics are covered?

During the course we cover:
  • Required practical: within your specific subject we look at purposes of the practical, how to maximising learning and give hands on experience.
  • Misconceptions: identifying and combatting common misconceptions and how to prevent learners from slipping back into these ideas.
  • Subject knowledge: In your specialist science we look at areas where students struggle and aim to build your (and their) confidence.
  • Progression: We look at how to progress learning throughout the 2 years and link to the big picture of science.

How will you learn?

This course will be delivered face to face with participant tasks to be looked at after the sessions.

How long is this course?

This is a two day intensive course 


    Participants will be able to:
  • understand key misconceptions students may have within their subject
  • practice core practical skills required for A Level
  • identify ways to engage students with more challenging part of the A level course
  • access resources and support to help with their first teaching of A Level science


This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course.

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