A level mathematics and A level physics working collaboratively NY508 / A22

Start date
1 Nov 22
2 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, Siwards Way, York YO10 5DD How to find us


This is a collaboration between STEM Learning and the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP). There is significant overlap between the A level mathematics and the A level physics specifications. In this course, we bring together two teachers from the same school/college: one with experience of teaching A level mathematics  and the other with experience of teaching A level physics, to explore how they may work collaboratively for the benefit of their students.

Participants will consider:

  • best practice in supporting students apply level 2 mathematics in a level 3 context
  • how mathematics pedagogy can be applied in physics to aid transferability of skills
  • how the use of graphing technology can be used consistently in the teaching and learning of each subjectthe benefits of using simple practical activities in the mathematics classroom
  • how best to support A level physics students who are not studying A level mathematics
  • topics common to both specifications: implications for schemes of learning.

Subsidy - each teacher from a state-funded school is eligible to receive an Enthuse subsidy.

An additional subsidy, to cover the whole course fee, will be available to schools meeting the following criteria:

  • Two teachers, one mathematics teacher and one physics teacher, from the same school attend the course


  • the subsidy does not cover the course fees

Who is it for?

The course is designed for one teacher of A level mathematics AND one teacher of A level physics to attend together.

What topics are covered?

  • Application of level 2 maths in a level 3 physics context
  • The use of physics contexts in A level mathematics lessons
  • A comparison of overlapping content 
  • Common practicals
  • The use of graphing technology in mathematics and physics A level

How will you learn?

This course will be delivered face to face with participant tasks to be completed between sessions.

How long is this course?

2 days

Who is the course leader?

  • Stephen Lyon

    I have taught mathematics for over 30 years in a variety of secondary schools, to all abilities and age ranges up to and including A level further...


  • develop awareness of the mathematics requirements in both A level mathematics and A level physics
  • develop strategies to aid students transfer their skills between the two subjects
  • support each other to develop the consistent use of practical activities and technology across both departments.
  • develop an action plan to cascade their learning throughout their respective departments


A level mathematics and A level physics working collaboratively - day 101 November 202211:00-18:30
A level mathematics and A level physics working collaboratively - day 202 November 202209:00-16:00


This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course.

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Additional information

If the course you would like to attend is fully booked, please contact enquiries@stem.org.uk to express your interest in being added to a waiting list. We will contact you when the course is due to run again.

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