Technician Network Meeting - Spring Term RH607 / B09


This vibrant network of technicians is the place to go for advice and to share ideas and learn about the latest guidance for technicians.  Discussions are led by Dr Sam Ward (RSciTech), Science Technician at The Thomas Alleyne Academy.
Meetings are termly, but being part of this support network doesn't stop there: regular emails with local information and opportunities are sent to our network members, as well as sharing member queries and useful resources in between meetings and discounts on other relevant CPD.
The subscription fee of £75 is per school and allows all the technicians from the school to join the meetings for the whole year
Subscribed schools will also be provided with discounts on our technician CPD courses, including 50% off our Science Tech Fest 2021


Who is the course leader?

  • Sam Ward

    I am currently a Biology/Chemistry Technician at Thomas Alleyne Academy, but am originally a molecular biologist who specialised in the genetic...


You will:

  • receive updates and share current best practice
  • consider ways in which technical support for science departments can be optimised
  • establish a working brief for the network
  • identify future training needs


Technician network08 February 202214:00-15:30Virtual

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State-funded school or collegeActivity fee£75.00 +VAT
Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity fee£150.00 +VAT

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Would you like this course delivered at your school? Contact to find out more.

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