Cambridge Technician Network Meeting - summer term RH607 / A05

Start date
24 May 22
1 Hour
Homerton College, University Of Cambridge, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PH View on Google Map


Join us for the Cambridge summer term technician network meeting - topic: “The Pandemic – Working practices that will stay”

The meeting will feature a “show and tell” type session, so we would like people to have 1 idea of something to show or talk about that you changed during the lockdown phases when doing practical work was difficult, but that you have / would like to keep going forward.

Within the laboratories, this may be a simple idea such as labelling benches and pieces of equipment (to be able to track and trace who used what within a year group bubble), through to something that you made, such as a way to sanitise safety glasses quickly. If no practical work was completed it may be something that you videoed or did online for the students that you wish to keep.


If you are a member of our technician subscription package, or would like to find out more about it, please contact before making your booking. 

Who is the course leader?

  • Vanessa Johnstone

    I was a Forensic Scientist for 22 years specialising in body fluids / DNA identification. Within this role I became a Learning & Development...


You will:

  • receive updates and share current best practice
  • consider ways in which technical support for science departments can be optimised
  • establish a working brief for the network
  • identify future training needs


Technician network24 May 202214:00-15:30Homerton College, University Of Cambridge

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State-funded school or collegeActivity fee£50.00 +VAT
Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity fee£75.00 +VAT

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