Vanessa Johnstone's public profile

Username | Vanessa Johnstone |
Organisation | Hills Road Sixth Form College |
Current Role | Technician |
I was a Forensic Scientist for 22 years specialising in body fluids / DNA identification. Within this role I became a Learning & Development Manager, holding a FAETC qualification and an Advanced Diploma in Learning & Development. This role involved the design, delivery and assessment of training courses both internally for expert witnesses, as well as external customers (from UK law enforcement agencies through to overseas clients). The courses covered anything body fluid related, from Crime scene right through to Court Room. Currently (since 2011) I am a Senior Chemistry Technician in a large sixth form college - with over 800 students taking A Level chemistry. As an enrichment a 10 week Forensic Science course has been developed for the A Level students. I also deliver a crime scene activity, that can be used for students from aged 8 and upwards, that has been used for public science festivals such as Big Biology Day. Happy to share any ideas with people.
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