Electrify your curriculum! E-textiles basics & a beginners guide to programming in the secondary D&T curriculum TY219 / B15

Start date
10 Jun 16
2 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


Over two days, this course will take you from being an absolute beginner in e-textiles to someone who has the confidence to do basic e-textiles programming in order to create more adventurous projects. As well as developing your confidence at using electronics in textiles, you will develop your knowledge of electronics theory through a wide range of hands on activities.

You don't need any experience of e-textiles, electronics or programming and there will be lots of practical activities to help you develop your skills and knowledge. The course will show you how the electronics and programming elements of the KS3 curriculum can be met though textiles and although it has an e-textiles bias the course, it might also suit anyone who wants to learn more about basic electronics and programming.

The course will cover electronic basics such as an understanding of serial and parallel circuits, voltage, current and resistance, inputs and outputs etc. You will use a variety of components including different types of LEDs, battery holders, switches (including making your own e-textiles switches), conductive thread, light sensors, sound modules etc. You will also learn about basic programming using the Igloo PICAXE wearable module and various programmable components.

Over the 2 days participants will produce a range of e-textiles samples and there will also be the opportunity to produce at least one potential product outcome suitable for the classroom using basic and intermediate e-textiles skills. Participants will also receive resources to take home to help them develop their skills further including e-textiles schemes of work, basic e-textiles components and a set of programmable components and supporting resources.

"Fantastic ideas to use in the classroom, with hands on experience."

Textiles course participant 2015

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. Course fees vary for participants outside the UK. Please contact enquiries@slcs.ac.uk for more information.


 You will be able to:

  • gain experience of how electronics can be used in textiles to create a dynamic and engaging curriculum
  • develop an understanding of electronics with ideas for teaching in the classroom as well as suggested projects
  • be able to create lessons and projects that meet the electronics element of the KS3 curriculum


Electrify your curriculum! E-textiles basics & a beginners guide to programming in the secondary D&T curriculum - Day 1 10 June 201610:00-19:00National STEM Learning Centre
Electrify your curriculum! E-textiles basics & a beginners guide to programming in the secondary D&T curriculum - Day 211 June 201609:00-15:15National STEM Learning Centre

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