Practical work summer school NY217 / A18


Developing good practical work across all science.

Starting your first job in teaching science is very exciting but can also be a bit daunting. It can be a challenge to deliver safe but interesting practical work. It can also be challenging to teach outside your specialism, especially when it comes to effective practical work.

This hands-on course is aimed at teachers who have completed their training, or those who may be moving from a different subject area into science. It will support you in planning, carrying out and evaluating effective science across key stage 3 and 4. You will also develop key areas of pedagogy that hands-on science can provide for learners.

In preparation for your new role you will be offered support in planning practical work using schemes of work and reference to information supplied from your new school post. The course will help to build strong foundations in practical work and enable you to settle into the new role within this exciting profession.

During the course, a range of experienced practitioners and experts in their field will help you prepare for September. In addition, access will be provided to a wide range of resources via our website as well as having personal support after the course.

For further details, please contact the course leader, Mark Langley, on for further details.

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course.
Course fees vary for participants outside the UK. Please contact for more information.


You will be able to:

  • gain a broad range of skills in practical science across biology, chemistry and physics
  • connect practical science to other aspects of leaner’s experiences
  • evaluate your professional responsibilities to plan and organise engaging science lessons in a safe and secure environment
  • identify a number of organisations who can support practical activities in science
  • develop activities to support effective teaching and learning with practical science


Practical work: planning, preparing and practising - Day 115 July 201911:00-19:00
Practical work: planning, preparing and practising - Day 216 July 201909:00-19:00
Practical work: planning, preparing and practising - Day 317 July 201909:00-19:00
Practical work: planning, preparing and practising - Day 418 July 201909:00-19:00



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