Technical textiles: using smart and modern materials in your secondary classroom TY208 / B15

Start date
1 Jul 16
2 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


This course will help you to develop a textiles curriculum that incorporates smart and modern materials into modern and exciting projects.

Learn how smart materials and wearable's are changing the way that we use textiles and discover practical ideas for incorporating these new technical textiles into the classroom. All participants will leave with the equipment necessary to replicate example projects back in the classroom. As part of the course we will also be visiting Leeds University Design School to gain experience of how medical textiles and non woven textiles are changing the world around us.

"This course motivated me to bring my D&T textiles project into the 21st century. Every minute of the course was worthwhile and all textiles teachers should do it!"
Past participant, 2015

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. Course fees vary for participants outside the UK. Please contact for more information.


You will be able to:

  • gain experience of how modern textile materials can be used as a context for learning
  • understand how wearables will develop the use of textiles for the future
  • develop projects and resources to use straight away in your classroom
  • gain experience of the career paths available in textiles outside of the traditional role of a designer
  • develop an understanding of how science and industry can be used as part of outstanding textiles technology lessons
  • feel more confident about including STEM related activities in your textiles curriculum


Technical textiles: using smart and modern materials in your secondary classroom - day 101 July 201610:00-19:00National STEM Learning Centre
Technical textiles: using smart and modern materials in your secondary classroom - day 202 July 201609:00-15:15National STEM Learning Centre

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