New to teaching design and technology TY246 / A18

Start date
8 Jul 19
4 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


Are you in your first teaching post and looking for new ideas for the coming year?

Have you just completed your training year and would like to spend time developing your subject knowledge?

Designed specifically for those fresh into teaching, this four day training course combines hands-on workshops delivered by national specialists, with free resources and networking opportunities, all hosted at the National STEM Learning Centre in York.

“Excellent course, really enjoyable and a great way to finish the year.”

“Every part of the CPD was outstandingly organised and incredibly knowledgeable. A dedicated time to talk with same subject teachers to talk about their departments etc. to create links across schools.”

Workshop sessions will look at topics such as:

  • assessment for learning, with specific focus on questioning techniques and securing effective feedback from students
  • teaching the tricky bits, key stage 3 and GCSE
  • finding resources and maintaining your support network, both in person and online
  • creating links with industry to support the curriculum and ideas for engaging STEM activities
  • the rationale for design and technology education, what are we trying to achieve for our students?

Practical sessions will cover content on:

  • digital design (CAD) and simulation with key stage 3 onwards
  • ideas for 3D printing and the Future of Making
  • ideas for making, quick projects to engage students
  • teaching food science in secondary
  • electronics for key stage 3 and GCSE design and technology
  • smart materials and technical textiles

This is a residential course. Fees include meals and accommodation for the duration.


You will be able to:

  • develop teaching and learning strategies across the design and technology material specialisms
  • action plan for changes in your own practice resulting from your experiences during the course


New to teaching design and technology - day 1 08 July 201910:30-18:30National STEM Learning Centre
New to teaching design and technology - day 209 July 201909:00-18:30National STEM Learning Centre
New to teaching design and technology- day 310 July 201909:00-18:30National STEM Learning Centre
New to teaching design and technology - day 411 July 201909:00-15:30National STEM Learning Centre

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