Key stage 3 computing for non-specialists CY253 / A18

Start date
10 Dec 18
2 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


Suitable for teachers with little or no experience of teaching computing, this CPD will help you develop a solid base of subject knowledge and raise your confidence. It will Introduce the principles of 'computational thinking' using 'unplugged' teaching and learning strategies. You will develop a better understanding of programming essentials using the Python programming language, enabling a transition from the block-based programming used in primary schools. Experienced teachers will share tried-and-tested approaches to teaching subject theory and will explore common misconceptions.

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course.


You will be able to:

  • have increased confidence in teaching programming
  • boost your subject knowledge and understand the links between topics across the subject
  • recognise the prior-learning of your students, enabling you to plan and teach lessons that support progression
  • take-away proven lesson approaches and resources that support and engage all learners


Key stage 3 computing for non-specialists - day 110 December 201810:30-19:00National STEM Centre
Key stage 3 computing for non-specialists - day 2 11 December 201809:00-15:30National STEM Centre

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