Teaching primary mathematics MY006 / A16

Start date
8 Jun 17
3 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


"The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics," Paul Halmos.

This activity is aimed at those teachers in the early stages of their careers who would like to develop their mathematics teaching. You will explore current good practice in mathematics, engage with practical resources to support learning in mathematics and develop your assessment for learning skills. You will gain experience of the Bar Model, Singapore Maths and problem solving activities, along with lots of practical ideas to take back to your classroom.

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course.
Course fees vary for participants outside the UK. Please contact enquiries@stem.org.uk for more information.



  • extend your knowledge of a range of strategies to engage children in maths
  • increase your confidence in teaching the primary maths curriculum
  • plan for integrating new approaches to maths and assessment into your lessons


Teaching primary mathematics - day 108 June 201711:00-19:00National STEM Learning Centre
Teaching primary mathematics - day 209 June 201709:00-16:00National STEM Learning Centre
Teaching primary mathematics - day 305 October 201710:30-16:00National STEM Learning Centre

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