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Get the support you need to teach the new A level mathematics curriculum

Published: May 18, 2017 2 min read

michael anderson


In September 2017, hot on the heels of the new GCSE, changes to the mathematics A level specifications came into effect.

In the new A level, all students are required to study Pure mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. In addition, three overarching themes of Mathematical Argument and Proof, Problem Solving, and Mathematical Modelling must be applied across the whole A level content. The changes will affect both AS and A level mathematics, as well as further maths.

How will your students cope? Will the numbers of students studying be affected? Should schools continue with the traditional division of mathematics into separate pure, mechanics and statistics teaching areas? What will the implications of the common content be on your schemes of learning?

Most importantly, what support is available to help teachers explore approaches that strengthen the overarching themes, and help students meet the requirements of the new content?

The list below contains a range of support available for key stage 5 teachers of mathematics:

New to teaching A level mathematics summer school

Our highly acclaimed annual four day summer school, in conjunction with MEI and the University of Sheffield, is designed for teachers who have little, or no, experience of teaching A level mathematics to develop pedagogical knowledge to improve their teaching skills. 100% discount available.

Teaching the new mathematics A level

A two day residential course, in conjunction with MEI, for teachers of A level mathematics preparing for the implementation of the new curriculum. ENTHUSE bursaries are available to contribute towards the cost of attending.

Teaching for deep understanding in A level mathematics

A three day residential course, in conjunction with MEI, for teachers of A-level mathematics who want to reflect on their A level teaching, explore subject pedagogical knowledge and develop strategies to teach for understanding and engagement. ENTHUSE bursaries are available to contribute towards the cost of attending.

A level mathematics resource packages

Our selection of key stage 5 mathematics teaching materials chosen from the STEM Learning resource collection, chosen to cover the A level mathematics programme of study for teaching in schools from 2017.